Sunday, 19 October 2014


Yes! I am…
Brilliant, gorgeous, courageous and speak my mind
My mind alters, at times even incorrectly, all that my senses sense
And through which in rivers, information flows to reach the sea called my mind,
Sometimes pure, most times polluted by a history
The sea grows and waves are formed, rippling to areas not interested or party to all that’s around
That is how it is formed.
When all pouting and picture taking ceases,
And all that is left is a reflection of untrue reason,
Seasons gone moulding my beliefs of self, lying to save the poor reflection of I
Leaves from autumn, summer days gone but sunlight from then still alive
Winter within winter, and spring that sprang but one’s still springing in
All together to convince others that I am…
Brilliant, gorgeous, courageous and speak my mind
Yet continue running with the façade that all is true but not

Monday, 13 October 2014

Thursday, 9 October 2014


what is the point of having residence in your heart,
when in your house and in-between your daily dealings it is he you fuck?

Monday, 6 October 2014

The other side of Blue

I could see it,
The other side
As I lay there struggling but not trying anymore
I let the arms of the ocean hold me, instead of fighting and wanting and aiming
For my own way
I was in the deep blue, and as it appeared the other side seemed better
“One more time”,
Then I tried
And I woke-up on the other side
The other side of blue
Darker than what I saw and imagined,
And from that point, looking back
“That blue was much better a hue”

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


I never stopped seeing her,
Even as she lay there, eyes shut & motionless
The beauty in her eyes continued to shine but more brighter,
Blinding me of all that now was-
According to the world and its meanings,
She was no longer
But to me she continued to be my “everything"
I was living in memory then as I am now, and
All I heard was our voices singing
All I saw was her silhouette brimming
All I felt was love, living
And as she lay there in the presence of sounds and cries
Some genuine & mostly happening because of the new ending
Some were sounds sounding off walls about her ending
And I stood there and all I saw was love
I wanted time alone with her, but of course could not get such
I wanted a moment to whisper to her one last time
And hold her, but that was out of line
All I did was look for a maximum of a couple of minutes
Cramming together a whole lifetime between siblings
Then I had to walk away and continue to live while my heart lay there,
Together with hers
But I never stopped seeing her,
And I never stopped hearing her
I never stopped speaking to her
I never stopped…
I continued with life but my garden lay bare
And with each day and night that passes
And I feel I might,
I remember that I’m alive because of her heart
It continues through me
And I don’t stop, I just continue to