Thursday, 29 December 2016

Sons and Daughters of the firmament

... Because we are all "made up". No longer are we able to be.
Whenever we try to, to tap into being, who we really are - the force of the outside, the mundane, forever tempts us into believing that we are made of the trinket-like-nature we now feel, see, hear and taste. It forever attempts to trample us; the re-entry into the ethereal. Who we really are, the sons and daughters of the firmament...

Tuesday, 29 November 2016


You are the haunted house I still return to
The sad song whose tune still rings true
You are the dream imagined but never lived in
My husband and father of our Kids,
My protector and the best friend I never had
You are the "HIM" and thus I struggle to forget you
I'm still the man whose heart you broke a while ago,
& thus I cannot forgive you
Who's fault is it anyway that you were a mere ghost on this ship?
Who's fault is it anyway that I said what I meant and kept promises made?
At this moment I wouldn't dare wish love on anyone else
At this moment If I did I'd be like a promoter of the death of one
in another's hands
All love must cease to exist
Do I mean this?
Yes, temporarily and even perhaps beyond the blue-toned seas
Man, man, man how twisted we have this
May this delay be filled with endless scripts
A reminder to protect ones heart, always and without a doubt
I am cold,shivering, bruised
And perhaps why the endless, uninvited visits
I come to your house to haunt you
At least then we can both scare each other
Cease to be together and forever
You are the haunted house I still return to
The sad song whose tune still rings true
You are the dream imagined but never lived in
My husband and father of our Kids,
My protector and the best friend I never had
All love must cease to exist
Do I mean this?

Friday, 18 November 2016


There really is no place
And not enough space
And hence perhaps the distance...
God knows what he's doing, keeping us from illusion
But I need to know if through meeting
Wasn't it for our own healing?
Look at that
Where mine are closed yours are open
And where I frown you are smiling
We are one
But you're there and I'm here
I need to know, I want you here with me
Spirit rise, don't say you're too afraid

Your hands are the definition of protection
Your arms a place where I once found home
Your lips, tulips
They grow when you smile
Your eyes like the sky
Within them stars that bring light
Your hair so grand even if unkempt
Your ears they listen to my lousy and useless rants

Very few believe we will be
Sometimes I too am that shit
Some say "but he's all the way over there"
But is it not I who's too far?
I want the time to come
When my hands can be your morning crown
A kiss,  a stare, and run to you when the world makes you frown

Don't keep yourself hidden from me
I'll drown
Don't say we cannot anymore
Keep listening to the sound
The heart, spirit really does shout

Your hands are the definition of protection
Your arms a place where I once found home
Your lips, tulips
They grow when you smile
Your eyes like the sky
With stars that bring light
Your hair so grand even if unkempt
Your ears they listen to my lousy and useless rants

You're my muse
I'm sure to you that'll come as no news
You'll judge this for being too rhymy
Huh! I'm out of words now
But the rest really flew out

Friday, 11 November 2016

Artist. Healer.

I'm an artist first
A healer second
Who says it can't happen?
Send them my way, the naysayers and sooth seekers
Those who find it hard to fathom that all gifts don't  belong patterned
I can do them both and even more
I write, I sing
I read and learn but, also show for show
I want to sing out loud and dance with the crowds
But also need time alone and to hold on to my god-gifted crown
I want to hold a baby in my arms and help them speak
I want her ears to ring when it snows
and help her with the capture of sounds
And even their peaks
But I also want to be who I was meant to be;
I want to sing
I want to dance
I want to write and share this with the world
I want but more so need
To share this belief and truth with the world

That I'm an artist first
A healer second
Who says it can't happen?
Send them my way, the naysayers and sooth seekers
Those who find it hard to fathom that all gifts don't  belong patterned
I'm an artist first, a healer second
I'm an artist with thirst
A healer criss-crossed
I'm an artist, I'm a healer
I'm here now
Whether you believe or don't believe m-er
I'm here
I'm here

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Accepting mea culpa ungiven

Accepting mea culpa ungiven...

I suppose it my fault to walk into this with expectation...
The expectation for truth, honesty, loyalty and transparency
The expectation for respect, value, love and participation
Expectation for the differentiation between privacy and secrecy
Expectation from the universe to spare me another heart-break, when11 months was taken to reach heart-mend

I suppose it my fault to fall into this with expectation...
The expectation for permanence, relief and a meeting between twin-flames
Expectation for Godliness with a fallen Angel,
Now on earth's surface, his feet on uneven planes, hugging
Expectation to overlook your flaws and only brighten darkness
Expectation to expect you to love me the way I was willing to love you
The expectation to love you into loving me

I suppose it my fault,
 to hold out my palms expecting love's weightlessness together with romance now forgotten;
a marrying of the two in today's world now only raging

I suppose it my fault to lie in this with expectation...
The expectation of innocence child-like;
a staring into my eyes through night and till morning- when the wings of birds and the sun's rays chime break
I suppose it my fault to love with a flame within me burning,
And the expectation for you not to suffer 3rd degree burns but instead learning

I accept, now accept mea culpa from you
For the expectations so loudly ungiven

Sunday, 25 September 2016


Like kings we could've ascended a throne
Brought kindness and love to a land where both were unknown
But like two kings, ego became our song
We became enemies, daggers towards each other thrown

From kisses shared at days end,
To a jester in front of your eyes I was turned
"Ha ha ha" your laughter echoed
As I took my last sip from the chalice of our loving
We walked out of the castle that housed us,
Into another land, barren

Here I am rebuilding, my beloved
Without you here in my presence
I shall send words in the form of song into the sky and hope they reach you
I could send my army in your direction to get you,
But truth is I'd rather the universe kept you
In that way I can fall asleep shivering again tonight
But with peace beating loudly in my heart as I visit you

This castle-new is nothing but walls and candles in the dark
I live in it but without you I'm without a beat in my heart
"Guards you're dismissed," I shout
"I needn't protection from thee, I'm already fading. Let the king whose name brings peace know that I've surrendered to the kind eternal. Life without him is tumultuous."

Like kings we could've ascended a throne,
We couldn't,
and now one of us into a crypt lies without a name to own

Monday, 22 August 2016


You never wanted us captured
Not in the eyes of others, and we even struggled in the eye of the camera
Now I know why…
Our images captured are a lie, for when I stare at them now I can see the anxiety fisted in your eyes
The distance between us is close enough to be of friends… and not lovers
My presence next to you that of a visiting spirit, only known to your heart
Now I know why
Perhaps you were afraid of a leak, that somehow the façade you’d so well-orchestrated on your side would leak
And that it would lead to my leave… of absence in your life
Imagine this, I did leave and now I keep staring at these pictures
It is amazing how I no longer breathe there
I cannot see myself or us

Only you… dust

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Love & Loveless-ness

"...Unfortunately it is a double edged sword. And also, one cannot live trying to protect themselves from love because by so doing, one is stopping themselves from being alive. What I have decided is to take a break from loving others in the intimate/sexual sense, but I continue to access and harness love from within..."

A friend, to a friend on love... and the fortunate state of experiencing loveless-ness from the one you continue to love.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Omne TRIAD perfectum?

With the aim of achieving excellence in anything I do, I at most times end up directly in the arms of a mild and fleeting insanity. Anxiety, depression and an overwhelming obsession with the status quo within my body aka hypochondriasis, the famous triad combinedly referred to as neurosis, reek havoc. I can recall the first time I experienced an anxiety attack, and some part of me thought: “wow, nigg, you are a legend. You have just had your first brush with what was explained to you and the rest of the class in Psych 101.” Little did I know what that meant. From then on, it has been an insane internal roller-coaster ride of over -obsessing with perfectionism, as well as the inevitable after-math - cleaning up the shattered pieces of this perfect self when life rears its head and whips me to show me that I am still its bitch, and that perfect does not exist. Despite the latter being portrayed with a sense of dark-yet-light humour, some of my circuitry continues to believe that perfect does exist and is attainable. So I experienced the attack when I was twenty, and I’ve had quite some time (8 years to be exact) to listen to my body and sometimes successfully recognise that my mind is the reason I am and was experiencing half of the anger and zap-sign attitude to life. When this happened, the loss of breath and a shift in reality, I visited a counsellor at University. I attended two of these sessions and decided to ‘fuck it’ as I was going to sort things out myself. Nigger was already telling me about and using all the techniques I was already reading up on and intrigued by. The episodes ended as I realised that it was due to stress during that time of my life. Because they were mild and fleeting (as per second line of this entry) it was not obvious to others when I would have them. And I sort of began managing them through breathing and investigating the root source so that I could get rid of them ASAP!!! But I have also realised that everytime I experience any form of sadness or fear, anxiety together with his dumb ass friends always and without fail visit, and thus the cycle begins. It is always something happening within or without me, which excites a certain pathway in my brain; that causes my heart to race and breathing to be shallow, I become aware of this then tend to worry about it. Then I worry about worrying, then the perpetual motion which eventually leads to me psycho-somatising. Tension headaches, migraines, nausea, etc. have all been visitors uninvited in my life. It used to get so bad that I would just lock myself up in my room and cry over what I was experiencing internally. One of my best friends (always bubbly and outgoing, extroverted and the-life-of-the-party) Lebo would always get mad at me for agreeing to going out then changing my mind the minute we were supposed to step out. The duration in-between us planning and agreeing to go out, and actually having to go out would be so intense as I would now think about all the people I’d have to meet, walk past, greet and sometimes look at. This would lead to so much tension and a change in my body’s balance that I would instantaneously get stomach cramps and a mother-fucker of a headache. Then he would come ready as ever to pick me up and I would just say: “you go. I don’t feel so good anymore.” And because he is an ass-hole (term of endearment) he would go and have a blast… I don’t blame him. This triad has had such a big role in my life and I had always been, I suppose, scared to actually believe in all that was happening, as I would appraise this as me welcoming the uninvited ugly-faced guest with his dark and powerful friends. I always would say that I would go to another therapist, but then this would make me feel so much like a loser… I am a singer, and I write poetry, I used to love dancing (when I still could) but this internal landscape has prevented me from being able to share all that I am capable of, gifted in in fact. This just shatters me… TBC
My take on my demons
Having performance phobia is like having Angels that have broken free from your insides,
 but now surround you as demons...
Everywhere, everytime you have to climb onto a stage and render your art

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Friday, 18 March 2016

Grow up with me

A celebration of a beautiful man with an even brighter he(art)... He has, with great precision captured in words how I would like my partner and I to relate.

Grow up with me, let’s run in fields and through the dark together, fall off swings and burn special things,And both play outside in bad weather,Let’s eat badly,Let’s watch adults drink wine and laugh at their idiocy,Let’s sit in the back of the car making eye contact with strangers driving past,Making them uncomfortable,Not caring, not swearing, don’t look,Let’s both reclaim our superpowers, The ones we all have and lose with our milk teeth,The ability not to fear social awkwardness,The panic when locked in the cellar, still sure there’s something down there,And while picking through pillows each feather,Let’s both stay away from the edge of the bed,Forcing us closer together,Let’s sit in public, with ice-cream all over both our faces,Sticking our tongues out at passers-by,Let’s cry, let’s swim, let’s everything,Let’s not find it funny, lest someone falls over,Classical music is boring,Poetry baffles us both,There’s nothing that’s said is what’s meant,Plays are long, tiresome, sullen and filled With hours that could be spent rolling down hills and grazing our knees on cement,Let’s hear stories and both lose our innocence,Learn about parents and forgiveness,Death and morality,Kindness and heart,Thus losing both of our innocent hearts,But at least we wont do it apart,Grow up with me.
- Keaton Henson

Saturday, 16 January 2016


I do not want you perfect,
especially not in the way you think you should be.
I need you physically present
but it is OK if that too you cannot be.
I need you perfect and perfect is love. I need you, love

Thursday, 14 January 2016



 We are borne by it and yearn for it,
We initially know not of it, especially in the intimate sense
Then we reach our teenage years and lose ALL sense for it
Heartbreak visits then we question its existence
This leads to a feeling, something like it was in the beginning
The cycle begins again and we continue with it,
Because life without love is pure nonsense