Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Accepting mea culpa ungiven

Accepting mea culpa ungiven...

I suppose it my fault to walk into this with expectation...
The expectation for truth, honesty, loyalty and transparency
The expectation for respect, value, love and participation
Expectation for the differentiation between privacy and secrecy
Expectation from the universe to spare me another heart-break, when11 months was taken to reach heart-mend

I suppose it my fault to fall into this with expectation...
The expectation for permanence, relief and a meeting between twin-flames
Expectation for Godliness with a fallen Angel,
Now on earth's surface, his feet on uneven planes, hugging
Expectation to overlook your flaws and only brighten darkness
Expectation to expect you to love me the way I was willing to love you
The expectation to love you into loving me

I suppose it my fault,
 to hold out my palms expecting love's weightlessness together with romance now forgotten;
a marrying of the two in today's world now only raging

I suppose it my fault to lie in this with expectation...
The expectation of innocence child-like;
a staring into my eyes through night and till morning- when the wings of birds and the sun's rays chime break
I suppose it my fault to love with a flame within me burning,
And the expectation for you not to suffer 3rd degree burns but instead learning

I accept, now accept mea culpa from you
For the expectations so loudly ungiven