We arrive, the birthed
And within the carers arms we find it
For the longest this is home, suckling unashamed
Feeding the beloved
Unknowing of all we agreed to
When we were formed and even before,
A genius decided that we'd be the one
We, the yet to arrive, already having been so
Face challenges and turmoil -
A pain unimaginable
We become one with the margins, too different to fold
And then this contract we have sign-ed
Even before we could talk
Finds us at different times and
We are alerted to the call
And when the ringing rises
And the feet start burning
We cannot help but dance
When the dreams become one with dawning
And the memories become honoured
We become one with those
Those who lived
Those who struggled and decided for you to carry the baton
And when this happens
You can choose to run, away or towards the call
However it'll always be there within you
For its always been there
When you are called, answer
It is the wisdom of ages turning you towards your throne
A king, a queen
A chosen, the dreams