This could have easily turned out an ode to you, mother
However the rhymes and schemes would not begin to reveal my
I am your son.
Yes, son, and I am yours
Even though my orientation… or is it preference left you
questioning if indeed I am
Today I stand here, proudly identifying as a gay man
And proclaim
victoriously that truly I am your son
It is said that no one knows a child like a mother,
However you were shocked at the realisation that I, your
boy, am un-like the others
I know what must have ran rampant through your mind:
“Will I ever have grandchildren?”
“Does he know the ridicule that awaits him?”
“Will he ever be happy?”
“What will society think of me as a mother?”
I know what my answers are to all you enquire:
“I am going to have children, preferably boys. So you will
have grandchildren”
“I’ve already been ridiculed, ostracized, belittled, beaten
and my self- esteem trampled on. Do not worry, I’m like a horse; I now stand
“I am happy. I found myself”
“Society will always have something to say, find ease. You
are my mother”
This could have easily turned out an ode to you, mother
However the rhymes and schemes would not begin to truly
reveal my love
I know you still believe that I made a choice to be this
way, maybe I did
But it was way before I knew I could even exist or breathe
I love you so much that I carry you with me,
Some might say that I modelled myself after you
Take me, your boy as I am and have been
Remember the love you had when I was born
Erase all you think you should believe based on the face I
and others like me have been given