Monday 8 March 2021



It is true,

"we should all be feminists,"

Get to know what it means to be for your girl child,

In the same way you would for your boy child

That children should be treated, taught, the same things

Does my being a feminist mean I can't speak of the shadow of women?

The hell not,

It means I can and should

For whats done on the right should be done on the left

Ive always known powerful women,

For God's sake I was brought up by a matriarch

My genisis circle was all women

Femininity an energy, a life source that runs deeply within me

But the shadow

Women as devils

Horns given to men, and a tail that hides many wicked tales

Adorned under halos.



Thursday 11 February 2021


 When I miss ME...

I go through pictures of YOU...

Friday 5 February 2021



Is it she?

Hey! Wakeup!

Is it she?


Is it she you were looking for when you found me?

Babe, what? What is going on, it's freaking 3am?

At least you were asleep. Shes been haunting me.


She!She, damn it.

Just go to sleep.

Is it she?


Friday 22 January 2021


 ...And that's the thing about doors... 

Opening and closing...

And others revolving...


Sunday 1 November 2020



We arrive, the birthed

And within the carers arms we find it

For the longest this is home, suckling unashamed

Feeding the beloved

Unknowing of all we agreed to

When we were formed and even before,

A genius decided that we'd be the one

We, the yet to arrive, already having been so

Face challenges and turmoil -

A pain unimaginable

We become one with the margins, too different to fold

And then this contract we have sign-ed

Even before we could talk

Finds us at different times and

We are alerted to the call

And when the ringing rises

And the feet start burning

We cannot help but dance

When the dreams become one with dawning

And the memories become honoured

We become one with those

Those who lived

Those who struggled and decided for you to carry the baton

And when this happens

You can choose to run, away or towards the call

However it'll always be there within you

For its always been there

When you are called, answer

It is the wisdom of ages turning you towards your throne

A king, a queen

A chosen, the dreams


Thursday 20 February 2020


I hate that I'm imperfect
That I look at my arms and think to myself sometimes
"just slit them"
But don't have the guts
That I sometimes looks at myself in the mirror and can't see anyone there
That I'm told I have my mother's lips and fathers beard
I'm the living culmination, a joining in of lovers in the past
Alive in the present.
I miss my dad and can't see my mom
I know she shaped more of me
And at times I wonder and worry over
The war that's on my face
My father coming up from the grave
Still trying to breathe
My mom alive, yet so distant from me
I do more than see this
I feel it and see it
Their love overt
And then I wonder
Was I ever truly worthy of love
When those who made me couldn't make it work forever?

Saturday 5 May 2018

Man on Man

I rediscovered my legs 
But this time without a man between them 
for the longest of times, and as a man, I saw myself only as sandwiched between the duvet covers, the black sheets and a mans growth inside me
And now that they’ve all left and all I have is myself, I’ve come to realize that I as a man am enough
That i don’t need his scent or saliva in my mouth
Or the sweet sensation and warmth of skin as he turns me from lying on my back to erect on my knees just to enter me
As a man with multiple bags invisible to the eye, but heavy on the heart, am capable of loving without drowning in his semen
That I’m capable of love without forcing connection 
That I am a man
And I don’t need another to whisper sweet nothings for me to believe my worth
That I’m a man even though extremely and nauseatingly feminine
That even with a man in between my legs, his saliva in my mouth, and during the suffocation from his semen ... am enough
As a man,
rejected by others beyond the four walls of the bedroom

And that I’m worthy of love even if it means at times it’s warped